Reset Samsung DVR to Factory

micro server 2 RAID

I recently had a customer ask me to reset a Samsung DVR. Of course,  I first checked to see if there was a hardware switch to reset it. There wasn’t.

Googling the reset procedure, I discovered all of the resets for Samsung DVRs were pressing a combination of buttons on the front of the machine or remote. My machine had no buttons and none of the combination of buttons worked.

I did find a YouTube video that had a 7th combination of buttons that did work. This combination should work for SDR-3300N or the SDR-3040N and perhaps a few others.

On the remote, press:


in quick succession. I was able to get it on the first attempt. It will prompt you to reset to factory which you select OK.

Special thanks to 4k Vlogs for the info.

Link to the video: