Gigabytes Fee Schedule

Gigabytes Fee Schedule

Labor Rates




Minimum Service Fee
Applies to all service (remote, phone support, and onsite) regardless of warranty. Does not apply during warranty period for installs and is not charged if subscribed to Business Service. Covers the first  1/2 hour of service or mileage when out of warranty.
$45 $45
Service Labor $90/hr 1/2 hr
Installation Labor $60/hr 1hr
Premium Labor
Top priority. Billed on emergency calls or off hour calls.
$120/hr 1hr
Billed from dispatch point.
$1 per mile Area 4 only

Cloud Video Services (per camera) 

Video Storage

Per Month

Per Year

5 Days $5 $50
10 Days $12 $100
30 Days $22 $200
60 Days $32 $300
100 Days $42 $400
200 Days $62 $600

Other Services


Per month

Per year

DDNS $10 $60
Antivirus per PC $10 $60
Monitoring Service per PC $10 $100
Business Service
No minimum labor plus free phone, e-mail, remote monitoring, and remote support per location.
Starting at $100 Starting at $1200

Alarm Services

Alarm Plus Service $10 $100
Alarm Monitoring $30 $300